Monday, February 27, 2012

Single but not alone

Ever been to Mexico City?  Nope neither have I.  Although maybe I should as I would go almost anywhere for good Mexican food (side note I had the most amazing pork belly taco at Heirloom Saturday and it was INSANE).  Anyway back to Mexico City - leaders from the major 20 economies (G20) are hanging out there discussing ways to help Eurozone.  Talk is of a whopping U$2T - Umm..Germany might need some strong Tequila to wash that down.

Nice-ish weekend here in HK -  Ate well although rainy weather.  Kind of an apt description of markets.  Markets did pretty well as US hit levels not seen since 2008 but then crude oil hit $109/barrel.  Uuugghh!  Sucks because we just saw good US consumer confidence numbers - let's hope oil doesn't ruin this.   Anyway it's Monday so let's keep it short and light.   Heard a funny joke at work recently.  Why are divorces so expensive?  Because they're so F%cken worth it.  Told by a male colleague and all the guys laughed.  However, I wanted to say - Hey, your wife should be the one making that joke!

More and more women are ending up single.  Divorces, yes, but also just women being single.  We can debate if they are choosing to do so or if it's a doomed destiny (this is better done with a bottle of Chardonnay) but the reality is that single women are on the rise.  I remember first reading this in the Economist and I was kind of shocked but seems this structural shift is global.  This has huge implications for family structure, world demographics and of course the economy.  Advertisers know it - Companies know it - And guess we should realize it too (even if it can be a little depressing).

Without sounding too 'I am woman, hear me roar' (most of us shriek and whine more than roar, right?),  but it's a great time for women entrepreneurs.  Who understands us better than us?  I am currently trying to convince a very good friend to start blogging features about women who have built businesses.  Personally I love reading about them and much prefer to read about the girls who put Juicy on so many well-toned butts than Lloyd Blankein's rise at Goldman.  Maybe if you keep reading/ forwarding/liking, maybe even start commenting, she'll be convinced.  I've had one comment on this blog so far and it's from my GUY friend Ben.  Please don't make me rename my blog to Ben and the Biz.  



  2. Ben and the Biz. Perfect. Btw, marriage is really a naked short put. A pre-nup just makes it a put spread.

  3. That's 3 and 0 for Ben. How about "Ben and Jerry and the Biz".

    Btw, read an article about a recent Dutch (and therefore highly reliable) survey pointing out that the likely reason there's so much less female crime today (only 10% of Dutch prison population is female) than say 200-300 years ago (when the prison population in Holland was roughly 50/50 male/female) is because of the increased support/ security provided by wage-earning husbands. A bit Thelma and Louise, but I'm buying it. So... all the single ladies be heading to the big house (or an extended road trip)!

  4. Ben and Jerry IS the Biz. I like that better
