Monday, March 26, 2012

Houzz is hot!

It was the Hong Kong 7's here.  My least favorite weekend of the year so I stayed close to home for a lot of it.  I did finally buy the Steve Jobs book.  I'm excited to read it as I'm fascinated by who he was.  By most accounts, a very eccentric dude but I truly believe he was a genius.  I will definitely read this.

That said, I'm always more inspired after learning about fabulous businesses built by mere mortals.  I mean how do you compare to Steve Jobs?  I like reading about the ordinary guys who have done amazing things.  Bring me to one of my favorite 'porn sites'?  Have you tried the website  Careful!!  It sucks you in.  What's even more interesting is how it got started.  It's featured in a recent NYtimes article.  Now seriously, how cool is that?  One couple decided to create this site after they were frustrated rummaging magazines/books for ideas during heir own home renovation.  And there Houzz was born.   Site has since gone viral.  Kudos to them..  I think it's a great idea and wish I had thought of it myself.

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