Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A HOODIE?!?! Really?!?!

It's finally Facebook IPO time.  Their much awaited listing is happening.  Incidentally, call me old skool but Mark Zuckerberg continues to perplex me.  The kid wore a hoodie for the launch.  Pretty disrespectful, actually.  Really..come on Mark..a hoodie to launch a U$11b IPO?!?

Markets (like Zuckerberg) are behaving badly.  That said, a lot of you have written me asking for stock market advice right now.  Frankly I can't help.  It's actually impossible to help as I do not know your portfolio, your risk appetite or your investment time-frame.  However let me quote Sir Warren Buffet here.  Don't buy or sell stocks based on the day's headlines.  Ignore your emotions and buy stocks because they represent good long term value. 

Probably why I'm so annoyed about Zuckerberg's sartorial choice.  While I'm contemplating my own Facebook investment thesis, a hoodie is frankly distracting.  Gives us more to unveil (literally).


  1. Waiting with bated breath for the Facebook investment thesis!

  2. if it's a big enough red flag, you don't invest right? i'm not a pro, but i don't think investors will be an issue... yay for free markets!
