Friday, May 11, 2012

Closing out a Tough Week

Closing in on a tough week.  Think anyone forced to follow these listless markets has earned a cold beverage and some comfort food indulgence.  Thankfully for those in HK, Heirloom is launching Fried Chicken Fridays (Yes, I'm working it!)  You see, I really love making/ serving fried chicken and consider myself reasonably well versed in it.  I'm always up for suggestions but so far, I think Mark Peel (of Top Chef Masters and Campanile fame) has the best recipe.  Only tweak you may consider is to up the salt used in the coating mixture from1 teaspoon to 1 heaping tablespoon.  The recipe is otherwise fool-proof and can be found in his New Classic Family Dinners cookbook.

Wish we had a fool-proof manual for markets right now.  Things are tough.  Europe of course and now banks probably in for some additional scrutiny.  JP Morgan which had emerged from the Global Financial Crisis as the blue-chip darling of the banking sector hit an unwelcome snag today.  The company has just surprised the market with a U$2b trading loss.  I'd imagine the scale of the loss is secondary to the fact that it resulted from trading.  Probably will raise the case for further regulation/scrutiny for banks.  Uggghh!

Tough week - see you at Heirloom!

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