Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Confessions of a Austere-ista!

It's hard to stick to Austerity this week.  Net-a-porter sale started yesterday and I was pretty tempted.  I even convinced myself that the Greek outcome Sunday night was a reason to celebrate.  Sadly, however, celebrations will have to wait (indefinitely) as Europe still has a long difficult road.   

Anyway I was very close to falling off the Austerity wagon yesterday.  In fact, just as I was going to press COMPLETE ORDER, my male colleague quipped 'so much for austerity!'   Too proud (and a bit guilty) I did quickly close my browser.  Story doesn't end there.  I rushed home to (secretly) purchase my goods in the privacy of my own home.  To my delight, none of my items had sold out.  And then..I realize that I forgot my wallet at work!  Yes, of course, I have my credit card numbers memorized but not the required CVC code.  Oh well..Guess the Austerity Gods have spoken.  

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