Thursday, June 7, 2012

Neon's Nice

I don't know about you guys but I really like the bold fluorescent colors that are so popular this season.  Ok, fine, technically kind of last season but I'm just getting courageous enough to wear it.  For me, seeing someone in a fun bold neon, just injects a nice jolt of vibrancy, youth and energy to even the most muted scenarios.  Couldn't be better timed as we need some sort of pick-me-up this summer.  

Perhaps we can ask all the Central Bankers and policy-makers globally to start adopting neon green?  Unlikely I know but we did get a nice surge in optimism last night.  Markets took a break from climbing the 'wall of worry' as they wait eagerly for a policy lifeline.  Basically the hope is that central bankers will juice the system (print cheap cash) so that people get their confidence back.    

It's too early to tell if it will be enough.  The argument can be made that printing presses have been hard at work over the last few years and it hasn't worked.  That said, amongst the slew of financial Armageddon scenarios that are being passed around, maybe a little optimism is ok?  Will wrap it up hear.   Certainly, this post is not a green light to go binge on neon at Jbrand but go ahead and pull out those bright green jeans.  Why not?      

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