Monday, August 27, 2012

Confessions of a Delinquent Blogger

Sorry I've been MIA (Missing in Action).  Those who know me well would suspect I've been out on holiday. Sadly, that's not the case.  Frankly I've been working a ton and it's all been a bit depressing.  Yes, US markets had been smooth sailing for the most part, but, we're really struggling to follow here in HK/China.  In fact, the Chinese A-share market is now at 2009 year lows.  Extremely discouraging as the Chinese government has already promised billions of dollars of stimulus commitments to help the economy.  Nothing's working!

Bring me to my next point (and bear with me please).  Did you know Bo Xi Lai's wife, Mrs Gu (so much less confusing if she was Mrs. Bo), was convicted of murder?  Recall, Bo Xi Lai is one of the highest ranking members of the Chinese Communist leadership who had that staggering fall from grace.  Bo and his wife have been accused of wide spread corruption, including stealing hundred of millions of dollars, and his wife has just been convicted of murdering a British business associate.  Hugely scandalous/ high-profile case that you'd imagine would go on for months in a Western court.  Oddly enough, Mrs. Gu's murder trial lasted 48 hours and barely publicized.  In fact there is even rampant speculation that it wasn't even Mrs. Gu on trial but it was a body double.  You can't make this stuff up!!

To sum it up, seems the Chinese government is struggling with a pretty rampant credibility problem right now.  Imagine if this were happening in your home country, it would be pretty tough to trust your politicians?  Anyway, I hope China gets it's act together soon as it's been a brutal year.

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