Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July!!

It's the Fourth of July and what a welcome break!  This year I celebrated at the American Club in HK.  Ironically a ton of Brits were present and quick to wish me a 'Happy Fourth of July!'   Kind of ironic, isn't it?  As I recall, this holiday is a celebration of Americans defeating the British??  Perhaps it is a case of 'Time heals all'.  Although in this scenario, 'Win or lose, we still booze' would be more applicable.  In any case, a well deserved holiday.

Accordingly, no fireworks but definitely some sparklers.  Global markets are trading well post the European Summit.  Indeed, I like a party as much as anyone, but I'm still a bit reluctant.  Hard for me to believe all of Europe's problems were solved in one little weekend.  Hopefully I'm being overly cautious and the Euro-zone policy makers do have it all under control.

Anyway while I'm not popping the Champagne yet, you can/should certainly indulge in a Coors Light.  It's the 4th of July!    

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